




Normally one of the ministers will do the announcements, but here is info that applies.

We want to mention Connect Cards during the announcements each week.

Sample wording:

  1. [Slide] "If you're new to All Saints, we're really glad you're here. To help you connect in with church life, we'd love you to fill in our Connect Card .  If you didn't receive a card on your way in, you can find them down the back, or fill it in online.   [Gesture at screen] These details will be on the screen again after church."
  2. [Slide]  "If you're new or newish, we'd love to help you get more connected into church life here at All Saints.  Our Connect Card [hold one up] is a way for you to give us your details so we can be in touch. There are boxes you can tick about joining the mailing list, or getting a printed nametag.  You might have received a card on your way in; otherwise you can find them down the back, or use the online version [gesture at screen]. These details will be on the screen again after the service today.